Welcome to our parish website. All newsletters and other updates are posted on the home page. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stwilfholycross. We are beginning the amalgamation process with Holy Cross, Whitwick so you can find information on new Mass times here.

27 November 2011

Confirmation and Blessing of New Facilities

A very happy day and the culmination of much hard work on the part of many people. Thanks be to God.
Click on any of the pictures to see a larger version.

26 November 2011

Advent resources

Some links which may help us reflect on Advent.

Pray as you go - always worthwhile to help us pray with the Church's readings. Advent could be good time to start.

Sacred Space - for comment see 'Pray as you go!!'

Our Sunday Visitor - has lots of suggestions about Advent Customs.

Faith at home - similar material to previous.

CAFOD Advent Calendar - requires Powerpoint and a  bit of computer know-how!

20 November 2011

Fifty Golden Years

As mentioned previously, Sister Stephanie celebrated the Golden Jubilee of her profession this weekend. A good contingent from St Wilfrid's was there to join in her thanksgiving. It was good to see Sister Stephanie and Sister Kieran who both spoke warmly of their time in Coalville.

Click on the pictures in the slideshow to see a larger version.

15 November 2011

Come, Holy Spirit

In ten days time our bishop will be with us to confirm ten of our young people. Please pray for our candidates every day.
When the bishop comes we like to have everything right, the Church, the music, the refreshments and so on. But what about some spiritual preparation? As well as the usual Saturday evening Exposition and Sacrament of Reconciliation, we will have Exposition next Sunday morning (20th)  from 9.15-9.45. I will be also available to hear confessions during this time and after both masses this weekend. Perhaps you would like to take this opportunity to come a little earlier and pray for our young people - the Church of today, the hope of tomorrow. Maybe your prayers will give them the grace they need to listen to a call from the Lord.....

V. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
R. And kindle in them the fire of your love.

V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And you will renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray

O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of your faithful,
grant that by that same Holy Spirit,
we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in your consolation,
Through Christ our Lord.


...to Sister Stephanie who meant so much to our parish and to St Clare's school over so many years as she celebrates the golden jubilee of her profession this coming weekend.
Thanks be to God!

You are living stones

A major new document entitled 'You are Living Stones' - on the Renewal of the Parochial Structure of the Diocese of Nottingham - has been published by our diocese. We shall be hearing a lot more about this over the coming year. You can read it here.

12 November 2011

Today at the Cathedral...

...Madeleine Bonser was commissioned as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Thank you to Madeleine for accepting this new responsibility, and to all those who exercise this ministry at St Wilfrid's.

03 November 2011

Newsletter for 5/6 November - Sunday 32(A)

Click here to read this week's newsletter.

If you would like to join those who receive an advance copy of the newsletter each week, please click  here, and simply send the resulting email.

01 November 2011

An interesting find

The building work has provided an opportunity and incentive to go through some of the historic paperwork at Church, to shred what is no longer needed, and to reorganise what we do need. In this process I came across a pastoral letter from Bishop McGuinness read on the first weekend of July 1995. I was sitting in the benches at St Wilfrid's that weekend and well remember Father Hannigan reading it. Those who know my history will appreciate what encouragement I found in it.

This is an opportune time to share this as we have an appeal from the St Barnabas Society this coming weekend. The society provides assistance to clergy from other churches who give up home and income to join the Catholic Church. I never needed their financial support, but I was very grateful for their interest and the supportive letters and phone calls I received from them during the exciting and daunting time in the mid 1990's when I made this journey. For some of my friends, their financial support has been a real lifeline. I know you will be generous as always.